Pay your dues, keep to the code, and dive into dark and dangerous places, for the GUILD!
Latest Updates from Our Project:
It Begins
over 1 year ago
– Fri, Aug 04, 2023 at 04:16:55 PM
The Time is Here
Keep your eyes peeled for alerts on shipping, and if you haven't filled out your surveys--GET THEM DONE!
my disorganized inventory shelves.
Order has been Placed
over 1 year ago
– Thu, Jul 20, 2023 at 05:11:41 AM
Okay yall—I know weve had some radio silence on my end and that’s my fault. I dont want to post updates about nothing and spam your inboxes with useless banter and/or constant recurring reasons for delays.
So here we are at our second to last update. I just placed the order for the books! The delay these last three months has been because of font-printing issues, and I had to go through THREE print-proofs to ensure the problems were addressed, and Mixam has been very slow lately due to their own business being slammed I’m sure. Each proof took about a week from resolving the issue to re-ordering, and then several weeks to receive the booklets for physical checks. So naturally that didn’t go by quickly.
I placed the order for both the Core book and the Adventure Diary stretch goal book this morning!
The next update you get from me will be shipping updates! So if you haven’t already please fill out that survey!
Also be sure to check out our GUILD website! — there is a custom random character generator on there, as well as printable resources that I’ll be updating regularly (character sheets, text only rules for free, future adventures etc.)
And be sure to stay in the loop with our newsletter. I have one official 1pp adventure already preapproved to be published for GUILD, and our first supplement book is in the works!
Tell your friends, play the game, have fun, and thank you all so much.
Print Proof is in!
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, May 30, 2023 at 03:50:58 AM
It is here!
And it looks incredible. Ive included pictures of everything physical tier backers will be receiving so you can see how great it looks!
There is only one small issue witn the print proof, as you can see in the spread preview, the italics have severe fading. This is currently being dealt with—and as soon as it is resolved the order will be made and youll get your books!
Thank you all so much for your patience and support—this book is my love letter to roleplaying games and I am so ecstatic to have it in my hands.
Core Book
Adventure Diary #0
Adventurers Sheet Pad
Reference Bookmark
Digital Fulfillment is complete!
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, May 02, 2023 at 08:45:47 AM
Check your emails for a message from Backerkit! There should be a link to download all the digital files in there! Print fulfillment to come soon! Thank you all so much for your patience here—we had a few hiccups along the way but it’s finally finished.
Much love
This Week—watch your emails!
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, May 01, 2023 at 04:47:16 AM
It‘s coming!
All backers should expect to see the digital files for GUILD, and the Adventure Diary in their emails THIS WEEK!